
SEO optimization with YouTube

Sunday, August 7, 2022
Are you interested to attract visitors from Google for free?Do you want to be on top positions and receive quality traffic?Great. Make a YouTube channel. You need it. It's not a joke. In a few moths, a BIG part of the first positions in Google will be YouTube videos. Without a YouTube channel, on certain searches, you won't have a chance for a position...


Risk management in marketing - Avoid loosing money

Friday, March 4, 2022
What is the recipe for success in online marketing?Test -> Find the most effective ad -> Move your entire budget there -> Reap the benefits. Overall, this is good advice. It makes sense to maximize profits. The problem arises when something major and negative changes in the channel through which you promote yourself and was the only source of customers.Risk diminution in online...



Integrated Marketing Communication Strategy

Thursday, February 24, 2022
 An integrated marketing communication strategyhelps you engage clientsbuilds your own brandimproves internal collaborationIf marketing communicatin is disconnected, your clients might be confused. It may be hard to understand what a brand stands for. And why someone should buy it.Rather, you should use consistent messages across touch points to attract and retain clients. It`s no wonder that you shold conduct a SWOT analysis, use...



Digital Map