Web Design 2019: Main Trends in Website Construction

Friday, November 16, 2018

Are you interested in the latest trends in building websites and web design? Or, are you interested in ideas to implement in your site to have more visitors or more sales? You are in the right place. Read more on how to benefit from Web Design in 2019 based on the main trends in building websites in France.

Web design 2019

Top Trends in Web Design and Site Efficiency in 2019

1. Speed, Speed and MORE SPEED

In 2018, Google officially moved to the first index mobile. That is, the MAIN version of a site is no longer desktop, but mobile. In other words, Google believes that how a site looks and behaves on mobile is MORE IMPORTANT than how a site looks and behaves on the desktop.

The decision is based on US statistics where over 65% of searches (and is growing) are on mobile terminals.

However, speeds and data transfer on mobile are smaller and more limited than on desktop. Not everyone has 4G or 4G + yet. Not everyone has unlimited 4G. And, 4G is not everywhere.

This means that for some mobile devices, the speed is quite low or in any case lower than the desktop. So, the upload speed and size are more important for mobile than for desktop.

In conclusion, in 2019 the focus will still be - just as strenuous - the higher loading speed of sites!

A Few Factors That MAKE Highest Upload Speed Of Sites And You Should Keep In Account In 2019:

  • The type of server used

At the moment I think it has the biggest impact. Many hosting companies use Apache servers. This is a very robust and reliable server type (nothing to say here) but based on old technology - launched somewhere in `95 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_HTTP_Server). Although very reliable, the age speaks. I RECOMMEND to migrate to newer servers, especially Nginx or LiteSpeed.

Every time a user accesses a page, the Apache server builds it from scratch for that user. This process is quite inefficient and as good as the site, the wait time is great for the server.

In the case of Nginx or LiteSpeed, a saved page is created and whenever a user accesses that page, it is served as a ready-made version, which speeds up the process. In other words, new servers have built-in caches and deployed at the server level.

  • The size of Media offered

It's nice to have movies, great pictures, slideshows, and other media files on the site. But all this takes much MORE space. Are they really useful?

A trend in recent years that I HOPE to become standard in web-design is the separation of large media files from important pages in the site. That is, on the main page you only display a small preview of that media file.

For example, "do you want to see the presentation with us at the X conference?" If yes "click here" and after that, the user is sent to another page where only the video is inserted. On the main page is ONLY a small preview of that movie or media item.

Whoever clicks on the movie (or whatever it is) takes responsibility to open a media element and it is possible to wait longer to open.

  • Asynchronous (parallel) loading of the site

In parallel with what? you may ask. In parallel with the site itself, I would answer. A site is actually a collection of many small things to load. "Small stuff" can be loaded one at a time or all at once in parallel.

The default mode of loading a site is from top to bottom. That is, it is loading what's in the header first, then is loading what's on the top of the screen, then what it comes after and so on. It's not a very fast load. It is used because it is the safest way to load a site correctly.

I think the Asynchronous load mode of a site will soon become the new standard because the speed is significantly higher.

Want more visitors to traffic for your site? Do you want to be higher in searches on Google? Read on or contact us now for website design and SEO!

2. Focus more on true quality SEO 

Google Ads (formerly Adwords) has increased a lot in recent years. Whether it suits you or not, it's REALITY. The same money now invested in Google ads no longer brings the same number of customers as 3-4 years ago. But it's not all lost.

That means some of those who sell on websites, will look for more efficient alternatives. And optimizing for Google, SEO is the organic alternative to Google Ads.

But there is certainty here: the first page has still 10 organic results. The lucrative things on SEO from 2-3 years ago, now has little effect.

If all you do is to set the meta title, meta keywords and other meta, then, sadly I tell you that you do nothing.

Sure, those items must be set, but they are not enough to take you to the front page. It's like writing. Do you do something today if you do not know how to write and read? But if ALL you know is to write and read, do you do something today?

What does SEO mean?
It means that the one who makes the site, must do three very important things:

  • To find out what is searched in Google and how to search
  • To find out what products and services the customer has
  • Correctly correlating what the customer is looking for (that is, matching the demand with the offer)

Specifically, you need to see what the customer is selling, what are the popular searches for those products and create an efficient SEO structure and keyword strategy together with the customer. Create attractive and useful content for visitors and Google.

Sounds good, isn`t? Do you think it's easy to do? The bad news is that in 2019 and thereafter, the price of competitive sites will increase significantly.

Having a site will be very very very cheap. Having a GOOD website that will bring traffic and sales will be significantly more expensive.

3. More proactive interaction with visitors

I'll give you two kinds of potential experiences with a site:

You go to the site, look for what you have to look for - whether you find it or not - and then leave. Nothing special or great.

You go to the site, you are looking for something and as soon as you enter the page, there is a pop-up with something like "Hey, we have a promotion with exactly this product. Are you interested in testing it? "If yes" email + phone to receive that code. After that, you go to another page and it appears another chat popup with a message like: "Hi. I see that you are interested in subject X. Do you want to get in touch now with a consultant who will answer your questions directly?" If yes, just click on a button.

The big issue of sites is that a large number of visitors do not buy. If you do not interact with those visitors, you do not have the slightest idea WHY they do not buy and what can you do to make them buy. Traffic comes, traffic goes away and concretely you remain with little. Painful especially if that traffic is paid (comes from commercials for money).

To increase your conversion rate, you'll need to be proactive.

It's exactly the same thing that when you come to a store and the seller comes to you and asks what you want, how can help. The old version is that kind of bored seller who does not care about what you do and who's upset, even revolted if you ask him something.

Perhaps some visitors will find it slightly disturbing or aggressive how sites will proactively interact with. But I can tell you that it will become standard. Proactive chat, pop-ups, notifications will become MORE more present starting with 2019. And over time they will become the minimum standard required.

Who will be proactive without being aggressive, will pull the big pay in 2019. And this is available for all regions in France: Grand Est with Strasbourg (FR-GES), Nouvelle-Aquitane with Bordeaux (FR-NAQ), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes with Lyon (FR-ARA), Bourgogne-Franche-Comté with Dijon (FR-BFC), Brittany (French: Bretagne) with Rennes ((FR-BRE), Centre-Val De Loire with Orléans (FR-CVL), Île-de-France with Paris (FR-IDF), Occitanie with Toulouse (FR-OCC), Hauts-De-France with Lille (FR-HDF), Normandy (French: Normandie) withRouen (FR-NOR), Pays De La Loire with Nantes (FR-PDL), Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur (PACA) with Marseille (FR-PAC), Corsica (French: Corse) with Ajaccio (FR-COR).

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