How to on page SEO optimise your website with the Silo strategy

Friday, May 3, 2024

The on page SEO optimisation workflow based on the Silo plan

The content is written based on the tested on page SEO method, our SEO experience, and POP optimizer pro. It should take about one hour to read and about eight weeks to implement the entire on page SEO Silo Strategy. Your outcomes may be different depending on your target keywords. You will find out how to achieve results by using the best keywords research for your niche or industry.

It is about some workflow for your website. Regular SEO work, sometimes it can be hard (lack of time, insufficient knowledge, etc.). Use our SEO services and read this content so you will know the results you may achieve with your website.

On page SEO could be a ranking factor for search engines SERPs in 2024 as well. Read on how to use a scientific approach to on page optimisation. Also, use our SEO experience to ensure your website gets found and to grow your business.

Silo structure On Page SEO

The guide for on page SEO optimisation based on SILO structure has four parts:
Part 1 - How to optimize your website with SILO strategy (you are on this page)
Part 2 - Target Page Keyword Research and Supporting Pages keyword research
Part 3 - Creating and optimising the content for your target page and supporting pages
Part 4 - Silo on page optimisations results, your EEAT website's health, optimising Schema, monitoring, off page SEO, scaling up the SEO strategy, examining your SEO progress

Table of contents
Part 1
1. SILO structure, target page, supporting pages
2. Knowledge-based approach to on page optimisation and Optimisation score
3. The on page SEO process
4. What is the reverse silo and how it works
5. Your reverse silo and avalanche content theory

Part 2
6. Target-page keyword research
7. Supporting-page keyword research

    - how to find your traffic tier
    - how to discover keywords for your supporting pages and link them within your silo
    - how to categorise your selected keywords into your content plan

8. Creating and optimising the content for your target page
    - use a tool to get a score on your target page
    - optimising the target page content for Google
    - using AI to optimise your target page
    - human editing your optimised target page
    - publishing your optimised target page
9. Creating and optimising the content for supporting pages
    - how to create and optimise your supporting pages
    - creating your first supporting page using AI
    - human editing your optimised supporting page and publishing it to your website or blog
10. Having published your first silo

Part 4
11. Waiting for results after Silo on page optimisations
12. Optimising schema on your target page
13. Optimising your website for EEAT
14. Monitoring your page
15. Off-page work
16. Scale up this on page SEO strategy
17. Eight weeks later
18. Reviewing your SEO progress
Conclusion: On page SEO optimisation with Silo structure

Read about the on page SEO process from start to finish. You will find some of the high level concepts and the more practical Seo strategy. After finishing reading, you will have a fairly complete, scalable, repeatable on page SEO workflow.

You are going to build a silo page with the aim to power up your website with authority, ranking your most important pages and getting them traffic.

You will read on how to build a silo around your target page with supporting pages, how to select the content, how to optimise all the pages, how to internally link them together to power up your silo. This process is great because it is proven. It is also applicable to virtually any type of website or business on the web.

In 2024 on page SEO only could enhance your website and your business. See how in this study.

Read on the part 1 about How to optimize your website with SILO strategy

1. SILO structure, target page, supporting pages

A silo is a way to structure website content so that you support your target pages or your most important pages with other pages on your website.

Your content plan includes building a silo structure for your target page. Use a main page within your website which you want to rank higher for your target keywords.

In a few words, your content plan is made up of creation of the silo structure, target page, supporting pages, research and use of target keywords, adding EEAT signals, publishing your pages, monitoring the results, reviewing your progress.

2. Knowledge-based approach to on page optimisation

The scientific approach to on page optimisation means to use an organised and scalable process. The old way for on page SEO was the `guessing way`.

The scientific method of POP Optimizer to test Google's algorithm is US patented. The scientific optimisation approach works and works in POP with the philosophy that the secret is hiding in plain sight. Google shows you the websites it likes and likes those sites for either their on-page optimisation or their off-page optimisation. POP focuses on on-page optimisation.

This is a timeless approach to SEO that is just as effective now as several years ago. Google shows you the sites it likes and as changes happen such as updates or new competitors come in, you can evaluate the SERPs and see what Google needs so you can rank for your keywords.

There are different ranking signals within the scientific optimisation approach that POP uses. These include:

  • your target keyword,
  • variations of your keyword,
  • LSI or contextual terms,
  • word count,
  • page structure,
  • entities in NLP.

All of these things move the needle. These are not correlational aspects of SEO, but these are causational aspects, things that will help you rank better.

Optimisation score

If you use the POP tool, the Pop`s optimisation score tells you how optimised your page is for a particular keyword. This gives you the confidence to know that you have done all you need to do for your on-page SEO.

The improvements come in rankings and traffic faster, following Pop`s recommendations compared to other on page tools. You will see benefits within a few weeks. What kind of benefits? Well, if you have a new website and you build to optimise a page and Pop targeting a competitive keyword, no you cannot expect to be on page one instantly ranking for that particular keyword. In fact, you may never get to page one for your target term because things depend on a lot of different factors. What you can expect to see is:

  • an improvement in the number of keywords the page ranks for,
  • increases in rankings for those terms,
  • increases in impressions and traffic over time that you never would have realised without using Pop.

3. The on page SEO process

A website is mostly made up of two types of pages: target pages and supporting pages.

Target pages are conversion or commercial intent pages (`money pages`). They are the types of pages where you will earn the most amount of money from your website.

Supporting pages are informational pages. They are not built directly for conversions. They are made to help potential buyers who are doing research, to increase traffic to the website.

Build your SEO strategy around this framework. We must say this is not the only strategy you could use, but you can read about and apply our tested method for building content silos made up of target pages and supporting pages.

This procedure works for anyone, at any level of SEO, and any type of SEO. Regardless you are an SEO, or a writer, or a business owner, or agency owner. Also, you could have an e-commerce website, an authority website, service-based business, SAS business.

Use what Google rewards and what Google is already rewarding right now. Google shows you the websites it likes and if you can reverse engineer those sites or see how they are ranking, you too can also rank very well.

Also, you will always stay relevant because of these factors. Read more about on page SEO, SEO optimisation, SEO and copywriting for online stores, SEO strategy, website SEO.

4. What is the reverse silo and how it works

Silos are a model for creating content and internally linking it. They create a formidable flow of authority through your website that you control. They help you build authority and then direct it to the pages that are the most important.

We are going to write about the reverse silo method.

reverse silo
Example of reverse silo

Most people when they think of their website, they think of it from the top down. They think of it from the homepage to maybe their product or services pages to then supporting pages underneath that. The reverse silo turns that on its head.

Through testing we realised that those supporting pages actually do a lot of the heavy lifting for the website in ranking and we need to focus on them.

In the example of the reverse silo, you see the three supporting pages up top. You see arrows between them and then the arrows down to the target page. Those arrows are links. Those are the links between those pages and to your target page.

Those links should happen within the body of the supporting content. You are not worried about links in the menu, or the sidebar, or the footer. You are only looking at links in the body content.

Now, because you are linking in the body, these pages can live anywhere on the website. They could be within a blog post area, or they could be pages, or they could be just about anything on your website.

The connection made between them is through the links within the body.

While those supporting pages will link to each other, they will also all link to the target page.

When planning out our reverse silos, we will often build around 15 (fifteen) supporting pages for each target page. We will often do them in sets of 5 (five). Those five will link to each other and then to the target page. Reverse silo is one of our secret arms in SEO. It is quite simple but very powerful and if you master it, it is going to help you rank for a lot of terms.

5. Your reverse silo and avalanche content theory

We are believers in avalanche theory. Avalanche theory is based on the idea that every website sits within a traffic tier.

Your website's traffic tier is based on how much traffic your website generates on average over a period of time. The more traffic your website is generating on average, the higher your traffic tier, the easier it is to rank for higher traffic keywords.

We are going to use avalanche theory to identify our site`s traffic tier and then to identify the supporting keywords for our silo that we can easily win. By doing this, we don`t waste time creating articles for keywords that will ever see the light of day in Google. We focus only on what is likely to generate quick wins.

Here is how to calculate your traffic tier

Over a 3-month period find the day with your highest number of clicks and your lowest number of clicks and get the average of those two numbers.


258 clicks January 28th

111 clicks April 6th

Average: 184.5 clicks

Our traffic tier is 185.

Take that number (in our case, 185) and then find it on this chart:

Now you will want to find keywords with a monthly volume in that range. As the avalanche content matures and starts generating impressions and traffic, your website will graduate to the next traffic tier where you can start creating content around, more competitive and higher traffic keywords.

As this process is using your website's naturally recognized authority rather than quick SEO boosts like links, it is a safe and sustainable way to ensure that the traffic you generate won't be taken away during Google updates.

Conclusion of Part 1

This SEO plan is about reducing risk while increasing the chance of success. It is also not an entire SEO strategy. This article or guide just outlines the best practice for silo creation and on page optimisation as a foundation to valuable SEO.

Besides on page SEO based on SILO, keep in mind all website optimisations you should apply. See below the top ten optimisation strategies. 

Top 10 website optimisation strategies

- Applying UI/UX design (user-experience design),
- Optimising content marketing,
- Upgrading on page SEO,
- Fixing technical SEO problems,
- Speeding up your website,
- Making your website mobile-friendly first,
- Testing and running experiments constantly,
- Use of web accessibility best practices,
- Link-building,
- Asking customer feedback.

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